The Digital Currency for Global Decarbonization

$NZT [Net Zero Token] is an access token for carbon and energy data stored on the NZTwork blockchain

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The Digital Currency for Global Decarbonization

$NZT [Net Zero Token] is an access token for carbon and energy data stored on the NZTwork blockchain

Watch Overview


Creating a Green & Sustainable world. By harnessing the power of AI, IoT, and the Blockchain

NZTwork is revolutionizing the energy landscape through its innovative blockchain protocol. We offer a groundbreaking platform for real-time energy consumption insights, carbon credit solutions, and data autonomy. Together, let's navigate towards a greener future

Key Benefits

Rewarding outcomes for People, Organizations and the Planet

For People

NZTwork offers a robust token model that incentivizes users for environmentally friendly behavior.

For Organizations

NZTwork enable organizations to participate in the net-zero efforts through:

For the Planet

NZTwork is driving a green and sustainable future for humanity on earth by:

For People

NZTwork offers a robust token model that incentivizes users for environmentally friendly behavior.

For Organizations

NZTwork enable organizations to participate in the net-zero efforts through:

For the Planet

NZTwork is driving a green and sustainable future for humanity on earth by:

How Do I Earn a Token

Getting started with the NZT & CCT Tokens

The NZT Token

The $NZT tokens are not only a digital currency but also a testament to your contribution to the NZTwork ecosystem..

  1. Join the NZTwork Community

Get started by joining our community

  1. Host Io3D Metacloud

Host our Io3D Meta Cloud and earn $NZT tokens as a reward for creating decentralized storage in the network as a testament to your proof of storage contribution.

  1. Share your Energy Data

The $NZT tokens are not only a digital currency but also a testament to your contribution to the NZTwork ecosystem..

  1. Join the NZTwork Community

The first step to earning CCTs is becoming a member of our community.

  1. Install an Energy Meter

Equip your household or business with our energy meter to record energy behavior and renewable energy production

  1. Earn CCT

When renewable energy production and sustainable energy behavioral data equivalent to 1T co2 emission, Correspondingly CCT tokens are generated to reward your green efforts which can be traded in NZT marketplace.

The CCT Token

CCTs represent your commitment to sustainable energy practices. Here's how you can start earning CCTs.

Our Technology

Ensuring a Green future!

The Metacloud Io3D Node Server

Harness the power of a decentralized IoT network. The IO3D Metacloud Node fuses data mining, storage, and sharing, enabling real-time data dynamics for a smarter, eco-friendly future.

The Energy Meter

NZTwork's Energy Meter revolutionizes sustainability. It measures user-generated renewable energy, turning energy savings into carbon credits, incentivizing green practices and fostering a sustainable global ecosystem

The Metacloud Io3D Node Server

Harness the power of a decentralized IoT network. The IO3D Metacloud Node fuses data mining, storage, and sharing, enabling real-time data dynamics for a smarter, eco-friendly future.

The Energy Meter

NZTwork's Energy Meter revolutionizes sustainability. It measures user-generated renewable energy, turning energy savings into carbon credits, incentivizing green practices and fostering a sustainable global ecosystem

Shop here

Working with Global Companies

Traction & future plans

Start of NZTwork

Jan, 22.

Onboarding Partners

April - July, 22.

Major Partnerships

September, 22.

Hardware Presale

Q1, 23.

Development of solutions

Oct - Nov, 22.

Growing the NZTwork

Q1, 2024

Fast-track technical dev.

August, 22.

Raising Invesment

Q2 -Q3, 2023

Shipping Metacloud IO3D

Q3, 2023

Team Onboarding

March, 22.

Join our Community

Get Started on a very rewarding journey toward achieving the global Net-zero ambition.

Our Roadmap

Traction & future plans

Start of NZTwork

Jan, 22.

Onboarding Partners

April - July, 22.

Major Partnerships

September, 22.

Hardware Presale

Q1, 23.

Development of solutions

Oct - Nov, 22.

Growing the NZTwork

Q1, 2024

Fast-track technical dev.

August, 22.

Raising Invesment

Q2 -Q3, 2023

Shipping Metacloud IO3D

Q3, 2023

Team Onboarding

March, 22.

Join our Community

Get Started on a very rewarding journey toward achieving the global Net-zero ambition.